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What Customers Want From Your eCommerce Site


You have a great product and you know it. Getting your product recognized in the vast sea of the internet, 让其他人知道它, 这才是真正的挑战. The online marketplace, an audience of over 2.40亿人 are waiting, so how do you make your site the kind of storefront they trust and want to shop at?

By offering visitors what they want in an online shopping experience, 你可以提高你的销售量, so it’s worthwhile to invest your time in brainstorming now, and implementing these features with the help of a pro when the time comes.

What Customers Want in Your eCommerce Site

Customers are used to getting what they want online. They not only get this, but they know they can get it quickly. If your eCommerce site can’t offer these features, 你的访客会去别的地方, 而且他们可能不会再回来了. 


Google’s ranking algorithm places a significant emphasis on user experience. If your visitors don’t engage well with your website, you’re less likely to rank well and more likely to lose out on traffic. This reason is why you need to create a site that loads quickly (less than a few seconds).

Think With Google conducted a study in which they discovered that conversion rates 提高78% 当你的网站加载速度很快. The reason for this is that people will take notice of when they’re visiting a slow-loading website. They’ll also tell you that when a website loads quickly, it feels better.

Accurate and Useful Product Images and Information

The only information a customer has when shopping at your eCommerce site is what you give them. It’s crucial to have accurate, high-quality images and descriptions. These enable your customer to understand what the product looks like and how it’ll function, and it lets them picture your products in their best light, imagining how they can fit it into their lives.

透明度在这些事情中至关重要. It’s also essential in helping customers understand how much they’re spending and how they’ll receive their products. Amazon Prime has conditioned people to expect fast, inexpensive delivery. This information is something they expect to see before they make their purchase.

By being transparent with your customers, you’re able to build trust with them. Surprising them with extra fees when they arrive at the checkout will only annoy them and potentially lead to a 更高的弃车率. When you provide them with these things, you can expect to see your sales increase.


The second highest cause of cart abandonment is 强制创建帐户. 今天的顾客需要便利, and forcing them to create an account before they can complete a transaction goes directly against that. 

This option is especially beneficial for customers who haven’t made a purchase from you before or who are unfamiliar with your brand. By forcing these customers to create an account, you may lose a sale.

Don’t worry about losing valuable marketing information here. You can still obtain this information through quick sign-up fields for newsletters or pop-ups that offer them a discount for entering their email, or by offering them a one-step account creation process after they have completed a purchase that incorporates the info they have already provided and only requires confirming a new password. You can even incentivize them by offering direct purchase tracking or 奖励点 for signing up.


Make sure that once your customer completes their order, they quickly receive a receipt via their email. This receipt should contain their order number, 他们买了什么, 还有你们公司的推荐十大靠谱网赌平台. You may also want to include information about your latest content or a few coupons. This is another great opportunity to offer account creation options and incentivize it with convenient order tracking, 奖励点, 诸如此类.

It’s a good idea also to have a web-based order management system in place so customers can see their order, 状态, and tracking number directly from your site. 

It’s Time to Make Your Website Work for You

Many businesses are wasting money on marketing and advertising, sending traffic to websites that don’t convert. 

在KangoMedia, We design websites and digital marketing campaigns that convert website visitors into leads and paying customers so that you get a positive return on investment.

Clients that work with us often see dramatic results in the form of an increase in website leads, 报价请求, 推荐十大靠谱网赌平台调用, 和销售. Businesses choose to work with KangoMedia because of our focus on growing their business. We are more than a service provider, we are your partner in growth. 

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